10 NFL Veterans Invest in 12-Year-old Girl’s Lemonade Company

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At the age of 12, the average child spends their time divvied amongst school, activities like athletics or music and their family. For Mikaila Ulmer, the creator of “Me and The Bees”, the age of 12 represents a new business partnership with NFL players.

When she was six, Mikaila and her father appeared on the hit entrepreneurial show “Shark Tank”. The duo pitched Mikaila’s elementary school research assignment, that in 2014 turned into a privately-owned company. In the 3 years since the company’s launch, Mikaila’s company “Me & the Bees” sell her grandmother’s flaxseed lemonade recipe in an effort to spread awareness of the lowering bee population rates.

The company has grown by 100% each of the past two years, and is on track to surpass that 100% benchmark in 2017. Mikaila and her company were able to strike a 11 million-dollar deal with Whole Foods which has her lemonade being sold in their stores across the country.

How does this charming story of a young girl’s dream for making lemonade that helps save bees relate to athletes? The answer will bring a new dynamic to the plot of Mikaila’s story.  Ten former and current NFL players have helped to invest $810,000 of their own money into “Me & the Bees”.

Arian Foster, Glover Quin and the other eight NFL investors in “Me & the Bees” are not only helping a girl achieve her dreams, but they are looking past their careers as professional athletes – the 10 athletes are making an investment for the rest of their lives.  Products that have taken over a specific niche in a market like “Me & the Bees” do not come around often.  The players have done their research and plan to exhaust all business and professional resources in order for their investment to receive the largest possible return.

Athletics have allowed for the players to have the courage to strategically invest in a company. This article is a real-world example of two entities going “all in” and having faith in their training and intuition.  In Mikaila’s life, people have told her that it isn’t possible for a 12-year-old to start a company. Mikaila turned that negative energy into a positive mindset that has allowed for her to become successful thus far in her business endeavor.

Arian Foster and the nine NFL players face much scrutiny in allowing a young girl’s dream to determine the outcome of their financial investment.  Mikaila, like all athletes possess an intuition and determination for success that is cultivated through activities like athletics. Her new investors also have a thirst for knowledge and desire to grow that will not limit them from achieving their goal.

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