Why Athletes Make Good Employees

Athletes Go Pro is a staffing firm that is dedicated to introducing well-rounded athletes to desirable employers across a wide range of industries. From our screening process to final interview prep, our team strives to find ideal employment matches for our candidates in their career search and clients seeking talent.

In a world of sports, you know what it takes to be passionate and competitive.  There is a research study about why athletes are more successful in jobs than other people.  In this article you will learn more about that study and why hiring and being an athlete in the workplace is so beneficial.  For years, economists have shown that former student athletes go onto earn significantly more than their non-sports-playing peers — between 5% and 15% more, according to research cited by the Atlantic.  One-time athletes are seen as having more self-confidence, more self-respect, and better leadership skills than people who pursued other hobbies — yearbook and band, in the case of the study.  Still, Kniffin suggests that there’s something unique about athletics — and while there’s more research to be done to investigate a causal relationship between sports and success, he has some theories that could potentially explain the link. “Being part of a team, working intensively with teammates, managing a common resource, and interacting closely with a coach where there’s a common goal” are all potential factors, he says.  Being an athlete creates situations that will help you learn how to work with people, these lessons will pay off in the long run and will make you a better employee in the work force.

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